Sword & buckler

Fencing with sword & buckler (a kind of small shield) is older than the longsword, and was a common feature of the medieval art of fencing. Our training is based on the oldest preserved text for fencing with sword and bucklers, the German manual I.33. The manual depicts three characters, described as Sacerdos (the priest), Scholaris (the student/scholar) and also Walpurgis, the only woman in the surviving manuals who fights with a man on equal terms.

The course

We train sword & buckler on Thursdays from 19:00 to 21:00 where the last half hour is set aside for different forms of sparring depending on what equipment you have.

Current training location

Equipment and knowledge requirements

The basic course has no equipment or knowledge requirements other than training shoes for indoor use and training clothes. However, we encourage all beginners to get their own equipment for the level you want to train for as soon as possible.

Talk to your trainer if you want to train in the advanced group. To take part in the training in the advanced group, full equipment is required.

Read more about equipment here!

The vision for the group

We want to give all our trainees the opportunity to develop into the fencer they want to become. Regardless of whether you want to compete, spar, practice technique or just practice your historical interest, we will provide the necessary support.

Practical application

Our fencing is based on attacking the opponent with the sword in one hand while blocking your opponent’s weapon with the buckler. However, the buckler is also a weapon in itself, blows or holds are often carried out with the help of it. Both the sword and the buckler can be maneuvered very quickly on their own, but it takes practice to coordinate both attack and defense without getting in one’s way. One of the most important basics in the manual is the guards (custodie) and a number of defenses (obsessiones) which are based on the most common attacks from the guards.

The coaches